Monday 14 June 2010

I Won’t Date a Chevy

Stereotypical you say? Yes, definitely. I’m afraid there is a certain class of man I want to be with. Doesn’t have to drive a Jaguar. (Been there, done that). Only asking for some standards, high standards.
Years ago I went daffodil picking. Needed to make some money. Thought it would be easy. I’m bent over on a drizzly cool spring day with a bunch of folks. We’re asked to cut and place in piles along the rows. Someone comes along and picks them up as we go.
The supervisor comes over to me a third of the way through the day. He says to me, “You’re not getting paid by how fast you pick you know.”
Another wards, why work so hard, you’re getting paid by the hour.
That stuck with me. I was doing the job, the best most efficient way I could. I won’t settle for anything else.
I like nice things. Quality. I don’t enjoy spending money on things that won’t last. When it came time for me to acquire a vehicle I could count on, I went for a Toyota. Re-sale value, black book. I know for the money I could count on it.
Too many used car lots I saw Chevy's, Fords, lots of Fords, very few Toyota's.
When it comes to dating, if he drives a Chevy, chances are he doesn’t think the same way I do. So I’ve decided, I won’t date a Chevy!

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