Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Blogs I Do

Since I haven’t figured out how to show you without you viewing my complete profile, let me tell you. There are some bloggers that I follow and who knows maybe you would like to as well.
I’ll start off with http://www.darrenbarefoot.com Back in the spring of 2009 when the words Twitter, Digg, Delicious and Facebook were still taking a backseat in my mind, I heard about this Social Media course. Social Media huh. Ok. I like am a communicator type, I need to know this stuff. Darren and his partner taught it and while I know much of my brain power lives in the clouds in far off dreams, etc., I have to say these two folks are really in the know. So to follow - is to know!
Now Darren pointed fingers at a fave site of his. She's famous to me now. http://www.miss604.com It blows my mind how technically advanced this woman is and how up-to-date and current she is. She’s got the pulse, and she’s based in Vancouver.
It’s MISS604 that led me to http://www.thesheebeenclub.com I attended a Word Camp in Victoria (#yyj) and the panel discussion at noon included MISS604 and another fine woman with a handle known as Raincoaster. While I blasted out questions about the curve of the future in Social Media and hey about that making money thing… http://raincoastermedia.com/ blurted out a bit about an on-line course she was doing for bloggers. So I signed up. Turns out she’s The Sheebeenclub helms person as well. I’m really starting to feel like totally in the know now!
As I’m training super hard for the http://www.bcbikerace.com I have a few spinners that inspire me. One of them is http://toriklassen.com who teaches Tuesday morning’s spin class at the Downtown YMCA. Tori plays great tunes and when I was moving Social Media into the front seat she was already there and tweeting about it. She’s also a marathon runner and rich in thought and great for inspiration.
Finally, I think this site says it all. I have to be up at 4:15 a.m. for my three hour roady. Good to follow http://trainharder.com for timely reminders!
Nighty night.

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