Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A Visit in the Hurt Locker

It gets easier I keep telling myself.
After 45 minutes, not even to 20km I’m cooking.
In the hurt locker. The aft end of the pain cave.
It’s definitely at the zero degree mark outside. Beautiful. No rain. I forgot the arm warmers, the toes are numb.
Another 45 minutes I keep telling myself. Get ‘er done.
Heart's pumping, I'm pushing. Legs are circling. Pedal stroke down. 
Knowing is believing. Sticking to the drill.
“The body will follow the mind…”
I stay the course. Yes, getting ‘er done.
Tomorrow’s another day.
Each day will get better.
Have to keep going.
I do and complete just under 1.5 hours on my road bike before 9:30 a.m. this morning.
Not completely out of the hurt locker yet…
But at least I’m on my way.
Training for the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer Challenge Course (160km a day) June 16-17, 2012.

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