Saturday, 22 May 2010

Mind Yes, Body NO

The birds were singing. The alarm rang. I got up. It was not much after 6 a.m. I’m 46 years old and I’ve been training hard for the BC Bike Race, a seven-day mountain bike race
The race involves 30-40 kilometres of mountain biking each day. The training requires 12-18 hours of riding each week.
Because I varnish boats at the moment to make money, I fit my long rides in during the wee hours of the morning. I’m too exhausted by the end of the day to ride my bike for three hours. So for example, I get up at 4:15 a.m. on Wednesdays to do my three-hour road ride. I’m on the bike by 5 a.m. (great hour to ride the roads – no traffic) and am back home by 8 a.m. to eat and get ready for work.
However, this week has been difficult. It’s Saturday and I thought I’d hit the road by 7 a.m. It’s my sixth week of intense training. I barely have time to do my laundry let alone wash my dishes. My life is consumed with driving to work, working, driving home and training.
Today I did what a friend on Facebook did. I got up, ate my breakfast and my mind said “get ‘er done, need to get dressed and get on the bike,” but my body slammed on the brakes and said NO! And back to bed I went. But this didn’t just happen today, it also happened yesterday and the day before yesterday.
When the body says no, I guess the mind listens.

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