Sunday, 23 May 2010

I Had a Feeling!

Photograph by Dave Hord, Cycling BC

If it’s meant to be it will be. I’ve always heard that. Mum used to say, “Everything happens for a reason, you won’t realize it now but you will later.” Particularly if something you didn’t want to happen, did and well you couldn’t quite justify the reasoning at the time.
Last night I was Blackberry messaging my son. He was in Quebec preparing for his first Canada Cup Downhill Mountain Bike Race. He’s in his last year of racing as a Junior before he goes Pro and also preparing to graduate from high school. He has a lot going on. Including a girlfriend and two part time jobs. In the last year, he’s had some challenges with sponsorships and I'd have to say focus.
I’ve been getting up early anyway so I send him encouraging words for the day always book-marked with “Ride SAFE!” He’s well trained now to respond to momma with “I will!”
Last year he suffered a horrendous amount of injuries and still managed to synch the title of National Junior Downhill Mountain Bike Champion. Early in this season, he had some ego crushers. Not his strongest achievements to date.
In messaging back and forth I began to sense this air of confidence I hadn’t heard from him in a while. He had it “Dialed!” (In teenager lingo that means he has it figured out.) He’s practiced the race course and he’s ready to go. I put my Blackberry away before going to sleep and think to myself, with this attitude, he’s going to win.
Sure enough – he did! He won Junior and placed fifth amongst the Pros. I had a feeling!

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