Monday 31 January 2011

A Weekend Roundup

Only one thing I look forward to on the weekends.
That’s going for a long bike ride.
Love the "Let's Bike!" part!
Most favourite part? Not having to rush home to change, shower, eat and run out the door again for - whatever.
The heart, the mind and the body are tuned and tired. Complete with a holding tank full of fresh, clean air.
Yesterday I travelled new roads. Traversed lagoons, seaside scapes -  majestic mountain ranges wavered in the background. I rolled up staunch steep hills, grunting and groaning with each turn of the pedal - an awakening of the senses.
Passing forests, bearded with grafts of green mosses. Streams running through. Rabbits chasing birds. Songs echoing the wavering filters of the leaves of changing tree types.
Some arbutus for sure. Firs, then cedars. Horses clopping along roadside. Sheep gathered in fields. Rolling farmlands. Here, there and then again.
Curbside harvests available for purchase. Locally grown pork, chicken and beef even. Pottery artists. Countryside lanes. Classic cars meandering with their Sunday family drivers.
No one is in a rush.
The odd pack of cyclists wave me by. I pedal on.
Doesn’t matter about the time. I have it.
For that, my health, my family and the environment I live in - I am so grateful.

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