Thursday 17 February 2011

U-Turns and Roundabouts

Lots of roads these days have roundabouts. To slow you down. Instead of going straight.
Occasionally you take a wrong turn and end up perhaps at a dead end. Which way should you go?
Last night I turn on the boob tube. I’m baked from an early morning road ride and staring at a computer screen. I’m zoning. On comes Dragons' Den.
You never know what a day will bring.
As a self-employed artist I constantly have to re-invent myself or something. I’ve got my hands in five projects at the moment. All at different stages.
One of these initiatives involves food, making a difference to the environment and giving a kickback to an International Charity.
I recall reading in the paper last week that the Dragons' Den producers were coming to Victoria for a pitch fest. I’d even stuck the time in my BB calendar and then promptly forgotten about it. Till the show aired last night.
Back out came the laptop and I fired off the on-line application form.
No sleep for the wicked. I show up with two hours of free street parking, a picture of my idea, a lot of enthusiasm and some words for the wise.
It was so much fun! Lucky me I had a chance to rehearse to the A-Channel first. Then a pre-amble round table discussion with some folks in the know, then it was my turn. On with the show! Rather pitch.
They asked the right questions. I minced some words. Got the idea across. Came out stoked.
“I did it! I did it!” could be heard as I drove away.
Who knows if I’ll get on the show? For me it was about showing up, presenting and learning. But most importantly - getting it out there.
I can’t say for sure where it will go from here. So much depends on resources. It could end up doing a u-turn or maybe just slow down for another roundabout...

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