Friday 22 April 2011

Scattered Showers

There are moments that delight.
This morning as I rolled home from my TripleShot Predawn Coffee Destination Cycling Club’s 6 a.m. road ride, it was the ducks crossing the road. 
At the crosswalk. He and her. 
A memorable moment.
Later I post a shout-out for a celebration of YOUR Earth Day. A dare to throw the car keys away for today.
However, somewhere amidst the activation of the day my body shut down. Good Friday after all. For most a holiday.
Yesterday I had my first ever Shiatsu session. I had relaxed and felt a lot of tension relief, particularly in my lower back. The rest of the day was a race - from meeting to meeting - and so on.
Come today, I am whacked. I managed to jive on my ride. Barely.
Got home to make breakfast, coffee and turn the computer on. My productivity was all but shattered.
I lay low. My Wild Woman Mystery Card spoke to me. I’d drawn Refuge.
The sun outside became warm. I managed a garbage run. Then flopped down on the deck to attempt my stretches. It was hard getting up.
Perhaps a day of rest? A culmination of life’s stresses reflected in the alignment and unblocking of my body’s natural flow.
I caved into it. Even while the day brightened.
Inside for me, I was scattered showers.
Ever have days like that?

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