Monday, 16 November 2009

Stoked About TEDx Vancouver

Amongst my circle of friends, some are in the know and some are not.
Of those that know and understand their response has been, "I'm jealous. I wish I was going."
I like that. It makes me feel good to be part of something so great.
TED to me has been something I've wanted to grab onto, but haven't quite been able to reach.
Until now. Until there evolved a TEDx Vancouver
I heard about it and I read about it. You had to submit an application, answering a series of questions about yourself, your past your passions. To be honest, I wasn't sure I could. But on deadline day, I did.
I spent some time formulating my answers to the varied questions. The application process was available to anyone. To attend TEDx Vancouver is free. But you have to be selected.
I don't know how many people applied. But I do know, that when I received that invite, well, my heart sang!
When I worked in news I once had a producer tell me I was like a bulldog. I wouldn't give up, or let go until I got THE clip. Until I tracked down THE credible source. Until I nailed THE story of the day.
What I look forward to most with TEDx Vancouver, is the bashing of the brains. The free-flow thinkers, thinking out loud! I can hardly wait to network with other attendees after we hear a speaker. I want to hear all the angles, all the takes.
Like a sponge, I'm ready, able and stoked to soak it all in, to soak it all up and then, in TED style - spread it all around.

For more information about TED go to or visit TEDx Vancouver at


Mike Vardy said...

I, too, will be heading to TEDx Vancouver. What is all the hoopla about? We'll soon see firsthand. And by we, I mean me. And you.

A Fresh Thinker said...

You eventualist you!