Sunday 13 June 2010

Movie Magic

“My day is made!” said my cousin on a return phone call.
My question was pointed. I had asked her how her day was going so far. I had left the sweetest in song, I truly have to say, version of “Happy Birthday” ever on her answering machine.
“Well,” she replies.
“There was a Kevin Costner movie on at 6 a.m. (she’s an early riser), followed by a Robert Redford Movie.”
I had to laugh. Who doesn’t love being transported to some beautiful romantic place a movie may take you? Where you can stand in the actor’s shoes living in some ideal la la land forever holding in your heart what may be the most perfect… SCRATCH… ZAP… ZIP… CRASH…. BANG… FLIP BACK….
The movie’s over and you’re back in the real world. Don’t you wish it would never end?
Me too.
Tonight was Letters to Juliet. It’s entirely possible there is fate in finding true love. Perhaps the charm is in the path you take to get there. Should you choose to look for it.
Or, you can just go to a movie and dream about it. That’s the magic of movies. Although I’ve often heard, what you can dream… you can live…

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