Wednesday, 27 April 2011

My Awesome Shit Club Pitch!

Good thing I wasn’t first. My nerves were shot when I got there. Dry mouth even. I was like sixth. Huge relief. Well sort of.
I felt prepared. But I wasn’t sure I was rehearsed - enough.
It’s an awesome gang of folks that pitch in $50 each to make the Awesome Shit Club happen. Stemming from a group that meets once a week on Wednesdays - Ideas Victoria.
I’d attended the last one. Incredible.
You get so inspired by what other people think. By what other people do and by the questions people ask.
Such an opportunity for motivation and cross-pollination.
My pitch came after the break. People, Purpose and Power!
Nothing came out like I planned. I’d attempted a conversation of discussion to my mother ahead of time as the rehearsal. 

I felt I had got good reception, a lot of encouraging tweets and words of support came after. Along with some pointed questions.
I didn’t win the $700. A documentary filmmaker did. Her pitch was Us and Them. Super happy for her.
“You never hear someone say it’s a bad idea,” I heard from a fellow pitcher when we were all done.
So true.
It’s also what you learn from what you think you know.
All I could think of when I left was THANK YOU!


Angela Hemming said...

I can't believe I missed this! Sorry you didn't get the cash. But you put the idea out there, and you never know what's going to come of that. Congrats for having the guts to get up there and pitch it!

A Fresh Thinker said...

Wahoo!! Thanks so much. It was an experience! Now People, Purpose and Power! has been sent out to the Universe!

janice tomich said...

Congrats - it gets easier every time. And I suspect that you are being too hard on yourself!
Yes, I agree, your fabulous idea is out there and who knows where it will land.

A Fresh Thinker said...

Thank you! Thinking a practice in front of a camera next time would be good too! But really - I ended up going way off my script. Suppose that's speaking from the heart though! Thanks so much for your inspiration!