Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Seize the Day!

Yup. Horace expressed it right. Not sure where I first heard it. Seize the Day! Yet today I ponder what’s left to seize?
Instead of celebrating democracy I’m cursing it.
Sure everyone has different points of view. Can’t say I can recall a leader that everyone has been happy with. We all prosper with our own points of view.
But in my circle, I’m not the only one.
Got a good chuckle when out for the evening ride. It was an impromptu meet-up. I happened to roll up on a couple gals.
“Where you going?” Glenowyn asked.
“An hour, hour and a half,” I replied.
“Come with us,” she replies.
We’re on our way to Thetis Lake using the multi-use cycling network.
Along the way the conversation soon jets to the aftermath. Kate who was new to me mumbled on that her mother was going to immigrate.
I replied with, "Where from?"
She wants to get out of Canada she replied. Go to New Zealand.
That closed in on a belly laugh for me.
Not the first time I’d heard of folks heading down, down south though.
Whatever have we become?
A Prime Minister with a handshake of a dead fish.
No semblance to life on earth other then the almighty dollar.
Seize the day?
Not a chance.


Angela Hemming said...

Yeah, even with its tornados and earthquakes, New Zealand seems better than this place right now!

A Fresh Thinker said...

Yup and you would know of course!!!

Raymond Parker said...

I've had a few of those conversations today myself, as well as listened to Con true-believers--who, to the person, exhibit cognitive dissonance.

I tweeted last night that I was ready to change countries. It is important to realize however that what has happened does not represent the wishes of the majority of Canadians.

We need electoral reform.

New Zealanders have already survived their dose of corporatism under Sir Roger Douglas--whose book, Unfinished Business is the bible of the Canadian right, including the BC Liberals.

A Fresh Thinker said...

Interesting... thank you for your comments. Will have to check out "Unfinished Business."
Appreciate your insights as well!
We are not alone...