Monday, 8 August 2011

ID’ing Importance

For whatever reason I took a scan through some YoUnlimited Conference notes last month. Which prompted me to take a stroll to the library.
One of the books I’d taken note of, recommended by one of the speaker’s was Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge, by Geoffrey M. Bellman.
Typically I have two or three books on the go at a time – depending on the mood.
As it happens – this book became due so I put it on the top of the list to delve through during this morning’s routine.
A brief exercise titled What is Important scratched my wits:

1. What do you do? Answer this question in one sentence.
My response: Use words and images to make a difference.
2. Why is that important to you? Answer the question in one simple sentence.
My response: It’s my way of helping the world.
3. And… Why is that important to you? Again, answer this question in one simple sentence.
My response: There’s power in words and images that can change the way people think and act which ultimately can create peace and good health for everyone.
4. And… Why is that important to you? Again, answer this question in one simple sentence.
My response: It’s important to me because it's what I love to do.
5. Look at your series of answers, each pursuing at a greater depth the answer to the previous question: In what direction are your answers leading? Are they pointing to anything? How would you describe the destination they are leading to? Write down a few words describing that destination.
My response: Journalism. Print. Photography. Multi-media. To tell people’s stories. To inspire.
6. Finally, what does this destination have to do with the reasons you do what you do? In other words, link back to the opening question in Number 1.
My response: The destination is the depth of finding who you are and what you love, what you’re passionate about and enjoy and what makes you happy.

Further through the book another line strikes me: Pick work that feeds your soul.
Isn’t that the truth.
Isn't that ID’ing importance.

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