Thursday, 1 December 2011

World Aids Day

Recently I signed up for the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer. I needed to set a fitness goal with a reward. Helping to raise funds for the BC Cancer Foundation.
It’s perfect. Especially since the November 11 passing of an amazing person to whom I met, got to know, became friends with and admired. For his strength in fighting Cancer and for his conviction in helping to raise funds to research the cure.
I wrote down on a piece of paper all the people I’ve known amongst my family, friends and associates that have Cancer or have died from Cancer. There are eight.
Today’s it’s World Aids Day. Do you know anyone who has died of AIDS or who is HIV positive?
Personally, close to me – I don’t know anyone.
However, this time last year when I was in Uganda helping out at Mengo Hospital's AIDS Clinic, there were many. It was astonishing.
I spent time documenting their stories of hope. (Search Uganda Wishes for more).
The disease has stages. Ravaging the young and old in different ways.
Nutrition roots the progress. Especially in children.
HIV Positive Children (mostly orphans) at the AIDS Clinic.
It was a mother with two children that impacted me the most.
She discovered after her first child was born that she was HIV positive. Because of her child’s ill health. The child was tested which led to her discovery.
She got onto the appropriate drugs (which take their toll in side affects) and her second child was born.
HIV free.
There is so much hope. The drugs help many.
Mengo Hospital Canada’s fundraising efforts continue for a food supplement for the children and adults. Epap (manufactured in South Africa) contains many of the essential vitamins and minerals missing in the otherwise starchy Ugandan diet.
You see, once a child or adult begins taking drugs for the treatment of HIV. They are on them for life.
But if their CD4 count (a measurement stick so to speak of the ravages of the disease) stays at a level where the drugs aren’t required. The easier it is for them to live with the disease.
Dr. Sparling whom I volunteered with at the clinic studied the nutritional benefits of treating HIV positive patients, not yet on the Antiretroviral drugs. The results were positive.
I also helped count pills in the pharmacy while at the AIDS Clinic. The longer an HIV patient can go without having to take piles if pills, the better their life will be.
If extra nutritional supplements can help, here’s a way we can help support those living with the disease.
HIV/AIDS is the Cancer of Africa.
Consider making a donation to Mengo Hospital Canada in support of ePap. 


vinee said...

i loved reading this..what is more important that you passion towards people...ur so thinking about conquer cancer...i was thinking that may be you can train me n take my brownness away...haha

A Fresh Thinker said...

Thanks for reading Vinee!