Monday 21 March 2011

Be Transparent

It’s what the world needs. Transparency. Not saying personally. Just saying everywhere else.
Suppose you don’t realize that the company that makes your shorts or underwear uses child labour. You buy it, you wear it then somehow that news leaks out. What do you do?
Over the weekend I had at least two incidences where conversations regarding companies, both corporate and Non-Profit need more transparency. Why?
The power today is in the consumer. The power is also with the World Wide Web.
Example. Last week I Googled the dentist I’d seen, years ago. Only because I didn’t feel like getting up from my desk and searching for my soft cover telephone book.
I had to make an appointment as I’d cracked a tooth – badly.
The first links that came up weren’t her address and phone number with a map to her office. It was a big bitch list from users that had been to see her – a site known as Find and Rate Doctors and Dentists.
To be honest, with what others said about her it made me think differently about going back. I booked my appointment elsewhere.
Blogs, Trip Advisors – it’s all out there. How does a company or business manage it all?
In my opinion. From the get go.
Got to be transparent. 

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