Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Train Not Strain

Heard another thing today, which set me straight.
“Let the body catch up to the brain.”
Anotherwards, to heal up an injury you have to work it out - slowly. Even while the brain speeds ahead saying, "You’re doing ok, work harder. Do more!”
Your body may not be ready.
Tough lessons for me. I learn things the hard way.
I’m good at working through pain.
I dream of doing a triathlon. Last year while training my Achilles injury got the better of me. I didn’t take care of it (two years of it) and I fizzled the Soleus muscle in my calf on a training run. I was toast.
Not giving either a chance to fully recover I leaped into cycling. The BC Bike Race.
Pacing the pain I recovered to head back into running. The Soleus was better I figured.
Ouch. More ouches.
Back to cycling I go.
Tonight I’m doing a core and strength workout. What I hear is to NOT push though muscle pain. To STOP! Different to fatigue or aerobic pain. Much different.
Later I’m getting my second bike fit tweak. Then the best advice I hear all week.
Train – NOT strain.
Gonna now train to gain!

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