Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Fan Hype Not Fan Fever

Not one to watch hockey. Had enough of it when my son was growing up. Yet, tonight’s game drew me in.
The Stanley Cup Final. A win or die for the locals.
Earlier in the week during the game play lead up a prominent statue in Victoria’s Inner Harbour was sporting our very own Canucks jersey. A classic move for what would have been dominant era for the mood prude in the century of the individual it was erected after.
The energy was even high over the weekend when they did win. Young and old flying the flag. Screaming horns and waving fans, driving around in circles. In case anyone didn’t know.
A dollar off at some of the local vendors if you wore the jersey.
Someone’s blue pick-up truck complete with the team logo and whopper flags to boot.
Many, many, many car flags fluttering by.
On my way home tonight and the game start is on so I flick to the AM. I can hear the energy of the crowd as the team enters the arena.
Who doesn’t want the win?
At home I’ve got the tube dialed. We’re past the second period and the team is down. I check with Twitter and the fans that once were are already scattering.
Some Tweets resonate - don’t give up! Go down fighting!
Here in Victoria at Royal Athletic Park they’re leaving. Downtown Vancouver, the street party is thinning.
Yet the game's not over!
It’s not over till it’s over.
For all the fans that began the game, is that fan hype not fan fever?

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