Sunday 4 September 2011

Porlier Pass

There’s a belief I heard by a local Galiano Island resident that there are meridians. Meridians where Galiano rests where the real world and the spirit world meet.
Porlier Pass is a body of water between Galiano Island and Valdes Island.
I’m traversing the waterways moving my home (my boat) from Vancouver Island to Bowen Island so I can go to school in Vancouver.
As I pass through the points of Porlier Pass I am overcome with grief for my dear friend, Fred.
I allow the tears to melt away in the sun and the wind. I reflect on what would have been his absolute distaste for boat journeys and remind myself – he is free. Free of all pain.
Then as I reach the wide-open Strait of Georgia I scream out, “I LOVE YOU FRED!”
Ahead of me are mountains. So clear, so beautiful.
Behind me now.

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