Monday 20 September 2010

Brain Games

Did the hills tonight. With my pal Iron Legs as I fondly refer to her. She’s strong. I had my heart in my throat on the first one. Up ahead of me she went. Full load conversation all the while. I’m spattering out words when I can. Literally. In between oxygen intakes.
Hills on a bike no problem. Haven’t been doing them much with my feet as of late. So around about the third one Missy Iron Legs blurts out her Brain Challenge. One foot at a time she says. She’s talking about the long steep tough one.
I muse to myself. It was Missy who Facebooked me before I rode the ride of fear. Day Day 5 Long Flowy RUN! of BC Bike Race. She wrote something to the affect of “One kilometer at a time, you’ll peel it off before you know it.”
What we tell our brains hey! It works. There is no question in my mind you can channel anything you want into that tub on the top of your shoulders and it will listen and manifest itself into what you want.
Now if I could only get it to tell my body that I don’t need that chocolate cake for dessert…

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